Anatomical names and fascial continuity (Part 2)
In view, is a partial dissection of the fascia profunda at the adductors. The deepest layer of the fascia profunda (point C) progressively gets superficial as it reaches the dermis (point A) that is held away by the hemostat. Like a bridge made of fleshly web, the connection allows the leg to be brought across the bodily mid line ie sitting cross legged. These stringy bits do decrease in frequency well within the region on the left (medial hamstrings) of the hamstrings (point C).
The fascia profunda at the hamstrings (point C) gets more superficial as it reaches skin level at point A of the adductor region.
All 3 points are part of the fascia profunda with the same name, but their organizational structure is different and specific to their function. In reverse, we can call A the adductors, B the iliotibial band and C the hamstrings, but they all share the same deep layer of the fascia called the fascia profunda.
Here, we have a very good example of why we cannot get lazy and just say something one time. So everybody, now we see that the relationship of the hypodermis or the fat relating to the fascia profunda, and all i am wanting to do here everybody, is saying the same thing as i say before. It is the same structures by name, but it is not the same, you can see that when i pull on the tissue, that it is different…right? the fascia profunda here and some of the fascia profunda here too. And because of the partial dissection, we can see the interaction or the continuity of the fascia profunda from deep to superficial. So everybody i am not trying to say this is complicated or it is mysterious or anything like that. I am saying that the tissue is specific to the region it is in, for a specific function for a specific movement. This clearly looks different… it is more broad and thicker and looks to me like it will accommodate movement or make movement more readily available than what we saw in the lateral aspect of the iliotibial band. And now everybody this is common sense because what we are doing is , as i dissect the superficial tissues here, away from the fascia profunda, we are getting more towards the mid line, so coming up on the adductors, the adductor group of muscles make it possible to cross our legs, the lower extremity across mid line, so the fascia has to be different there, the relationship of the tissue has to accommodate more movement, a different kind of movement, so we have seen it right? And that is my responsibility as a teacher, its to point out what you are seeing, it might seem subtle at first but after you have seen it, and you think about it, it really really is quite obvious and very informative. And very unique i think to be aware of changes of tissue types specifically the fascia. - Todd Garcia