Movement and fascial adhesions
As Todd Garcia dissected the lateral compartment of the iliotibial band above the knee joint, i saw for myself, the intrinsic relationship between movement or the lack there of and the quality of the tissue. Indeed, the age old adage that “movement is medicine” rings clear even to the bone.
…this lady was active in her life, that is why the tissue separates so quickly and easily. Yes, the scalpel is sharp, yes i am dissecting with great intention, but even still, often what you would see, is the adipose will adhere to the very broad surface of the iliotibial band. Sometimes to make the iliotibial band nice and clear for a model like this, i will have to kind of scrap it off with a scalpel, scrap the adipose off, but you can see with one pass of the dissection here, it is nearly completely clear, that demonstrates that there was good, healthy, natural movement in this tissue. - Todd Garcia